
Crew Green/Melverley Bridge - latest information regarding weight limit
5th October 2024

Shropshire Council have provided this update:

Melverley Bridge - 7.5t Restriction - Update

As the community will be aware, following a specialist structural engineers survey, Shropshire Council has had to restrict access over the River Severn for safety reasons. The current restriction is predicated on undertaking repairs to the piers to ensure it can remain at that value and until such time as the bridge is replaced. Regrettably the superstructure beneath the deck has also deteriorated significantly, to the extent that the bridge is now at the end of its serviceable life, and it is simply not possible to increase the weight restriction.

Shropshire Council intends to undertake pier repairs, subject to weather conditions and access requirements in mid-October, following which more permanent signing will be installed to advise the travelling public of the restriction.

The Council has instructed its advisors to start feasibility and design work necessary for a replacement bridge and the council is exploring funding possibilities for what is likely to be an expensive crossing of the River Severn flood plain. As soon as proposals and timeframes are developed the Council will further update affected communities.

We do recognise the impact that this constraint has on certain members of the community, especially during times of flooding where access via other routes is limited. In that context we appreciate the urgency surrounding finding a long-term solution. We regret the problems this is causing the local farming community and although we are exploring if there is any legal flexibility over access, we are currently unable to accommodate any exceptions.
The Council’s Flood manager will also be meeting with the Flood Action Group in October to explore further, how the Council can mitigate the impacts of the restriction and coordinate our collective efforts to ensure the community is safeguarded during periods of flooding.


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